Sassy red heels
Dear Sassy,
Tired but not sleepy
Here I sit Sunday night tired from the day but with a buzzing brain. My thoughts are a jumble of bouncy balls pinging about in my head. I have alot going on and I try to supress it so I can enjoy life day to day.
Rainy day

Drive Thrus were made for moms
I don't care what people say about America becoming lazy, fat and complacent. Drive Thrus were created for moms and here is why.
Creativity comes in many forms...
Most of us out there love to be creative. I love to sew, take pictures, and scrapbook. I love to play the piano, draw, paint.... ANYTHING. If I can make something out of nothing I feel so accomplished. Some of us are better at it than others. My cousin Allie is quite crafty and has put her skills to work for her. She has set up an Esty shop: Cut.Sew.Repeat. She has an amazing aray of products just in time for the holidays. My personal favorite is the little chef hat and apron set and the double sided super hero cape. Click and enjoy looking at all the cute stuff you want to get for your kids!
Read more...Halloween

Tragic Week....
I know I haven't blogged in a while and that is because I couldn't share much of myself when I was feeling so low. I was sick with the flu and a sinus infection over last weekend and by Monday the 24th of October I was beginning to recover. That is when my tragic week began.

Got Pictures?

I know Christmas is coming up and that is the traditional time to get family photos done. I am running a special from now through November 30th.
Book a sitting with me and get a CD of your best shots all for $75.00! Contact me soon for an appointment! Read more...
Kids say the darndest things...
Some of the gems I have heard from my two little rascals lately...
One phrase: Hand-me-downs.
Mean Girls
Girls never change. No matter how old you get there will be some girl to make you feel insecure. I am a confident person but sometimes...
Moderation in all things
We have been commanded to exercise moderation in all things. What we spend, what we let consume our time and what we consume. The last was my problem tonight. Our family went out to a buffet for dinner for FREE.
Healthy Sweets
I am all about sweetness. That is my weakness. So I alter what I can to get similar results. I do NOT use artificial sweeteners most on the market have a horrible after taste and are not good for your body. I use natural, unprocessed sweeteners. Agave Nectar is what I use the most.
Sugar, sugar! Or honey, honey?
Isn't that how the song goes? Ok, I know I am up way too late and I really have to pee but I came across a question on a blog that I wished to address.
Downers! (not the pill kind)
My life has been full of downers this week (as some of you know who follow me on Facebook) and I have decided that I need to look back and find the silver lining. Here we go....
I need a reality show
I wish I could have had a camera man walking around with me today. There were just so many little moments that were funny and cute.
I love my jobs!
I just need a moment to be happy. I love my jobs.... ALL of them.
Where does all that money go?
You know how you shave down your expenditures so that you can save some money? Where does all the extra green go?
My children must be allergic to sleep!!
Kids go through phases and I understand that. Some don't sleep that well in general. Put a kid who is going through a phase together with a kid who has never been a great sleeper and you get DISASTER!!!
Back to School
There is something that I love. Learning. I love being in a classroom and receiving information that makes me go "ohhhh." I like seeing it all click. I enjoy working at something that I have never done and see it acheived. There is something that I hate. Homework. It's hard to find the time and usually it is mundane. It is unfortunate the two have to go together so often. I am learning to love homework though:) Finding the time to go back to school isn't easy. I am taking it extremely slow with one online class for six weeks before I squeeze into a few fast track classes for the fall and winter. Finding time for homework, going to class, travel time, working, taking care of the kids and house and hubby isn't easy but I am loving that my mushy brain is un-mushifying (not a word, I know.)
Read more...Future Models?
About 5-6 weeks ago Jesse and I signed the boys up for the American Mall Model Search for fun. They provide people for fashion magazines, TV, movies etc. It was free to sign up so we thought what the heck. I got a call on Monday for them to audition Tuesday night. So we decked the boys out and hussled them over to the mall for their 7:30 audition. There were about 23 people there at that audition of all ages. Frank, Ollie and one other 3 year old were the only really young ones. They each had to interview with the judges first. Frank and Ollie walked right up to the judge, Danielle, and shook her hand. They said hi and told her their names. My boys aren't exactly shy so they did well. They were flirting with twin 16 year olds in line too. These chicks were 5'11 without shoes and beautiful. Not make up pretty either. They had a natural beauty and were unpretentious about it. Anyway, after the interview they had to walk down the a cat walk and do a couple model turns. Granted they are 2 and 3 1/2 so they did not have to do much but say their name into the micriphone and walk.
When treats become a trial
We all know what happens when sweets are in the house... they get eaten. Usually by moms who hear their seductive cry when we are looking for something quick. Or to ease the stress of a rough day. Regardless of the reasons, we find ourselves eating more than our fair share and almost anticipating eating the last cookie or brownie so they will no longer be a temptaion.
A good laugh at someone else's expense
There is nothing better than a good laugh. At someone else's expense gives me a fiendish delight. Don't hate! It's all in good fun. We have a pair of elders in our ward right now that make me laugh so hard. Elder Swan is the the straight man and Elder Roberts is the goofy slapshtick one. HILARIOUS! Roberts takes all these videos of doing stupid things like eating the world's hottest chili pepper, waxing his eyebrows, and such. His face and reactions are pricless. Swan is the guy who says something absolutely hilarious with a dead pan face. That makes it even more funny.
I own something!
My car! Jesse and I made our last payment on our car this month. Wow! I can't believe we are the official owners of our vehicle. Thank goodness we still fit into it:) Two hundred and fifty nine dollars a month is now... going to another debt. Debt is a scary thing. I am starting to see the light as we slowly crawl our way out of that hole we dug one swipe at a time. As we tighten our belts and put our plastic away I realize how lucky I am. There are those with thousands in school loans. Some have mortgages they can no longer pay. My debts? They are mostly self inflicted wounds from over rationalizations. " I NEED this because..." "This can't wait because..." " I can't save right now because.."
Unforgetable lyrics
Lady Gaga has a few hit songs on the radio right now. Frank LOVES to sing along. We were sitting at the table tonight eating dinner when he started singing "poker face". And I quote
Funny stuff
I was helping my mom download some pictures from girls camp and came across this one. This is my sister Heidi practicing archery. Yes that is a tutu:) Oh man, this brought back alot of girls camp memories.
FHE is hard to do

Creativity is brewing
I like to get creative but I never seem to meet my expectations for the finished product. My goal with my current project is to undermine my perfectionist self and let it be what it will be. Why would I do such a thing??? Because my kids will eventually destroy it.
My husband almost got me arrested!
There is a group of people in our ward that goes down to the beach every Monday for family home evening. They all pack dinner or come later for dessert. Our family decided to join said people at the sandy shores of La Jolla. It was a beautiful evening, though over cast, and the salty sea was a perfect 75 degrees. While Jesse and the boys were playing I cracked open an IBC root beer. Those are the ones in the fancy bottles that taste fantastic. Jesse bought them as a special treat for us big people. About 10 minutes later a cop rolls up, gets out of his car, and starts walking over to our group on the grass. We had about 25 people by this time. As he was walking I almost knew I was the one that did something wrong. He asked whose bottle it was.
Stress Factors

My day
I woke up.
The pulse of the home
The true pulse of home is mom. Mom's attitude and well being determines the atmosphere of the household. She is the one who gets things done. She is the one that makes sure every one's lives stay on track. Moms, especially stay at home moms, are essential to the attitude of the home. If mom is happy, you feel it. If mom is angry, you feel it. If mom is sad, you feel it. With that being said I want to give a little encouragement to those who need it most.... moms.
When Mom is away, boys will play...
Here is what happens when I go to teach a water aerobics class.
Sleep is so precious and illusive. It is always hovering above me. Flitting around like graceful butterflies waiting to be captured. I wish I had a proper net. Once the kids are in bed it feels like there are a million things to do. I do those and by the time I am done and unwinding it's about 11 pm. Why...sniff...why can't I get done earlier??? So here is my attitude tonight. It will all be there in the morning! Time to ice my aching back, vegetate, and go to bed!
Read more...Water and Land Animals
Water and land are two different worlds. Gravity pulls us down and water pushes against us in all directions. Some of us naturally take to land or water better. I am part fish myself. I have been teaching water aerobics for about six years. I find it challenging and an excellent workout. It may not look like much from above the water but if you get in and start working with us you come to find it's not so easy. Water aerobics is great for injured athletes, people with joint problems, back pain, sciatic nerve issues, obesity, etc. Looking for a great way to firm up post pardom? Head to the water.
That is what is happening everyday. Day in and day out we put something off thinking we "have time." NO, you don't. Stop waiting! Don't put it off. If you want it, go for it. Yes, you are worth it.
Read more...Dirt, dust and grime.
I like to ride my bicycle