Kids say the darndest things...

Some of the gems I have heard from my two little rascals lately...

Ollie: "Do you have a boo boo?"
me: "What?"
Ollie: "Is that a band-aid?" pointing to a panty liner in my hand.
(it kind of looks like one.)

Frank: "Give me the plates of grass."

Frank crying "I want the lifesaver!!!" as his friend Donnie takes away his toy light saber.

Frank: " My bike only has two wheels.." like there is something wrong with it and it needs to be fixed.

Ollie: "Daddy has to go to work honey." I guess he was trying to console me.

Frank and Ollie are two different kinds of funny. Frank pronounces things wrong because he is too busy to pay attention or be bothered with the right way. His way is good enough.
Ollie articulates everything with such perfection it makes almost anything sound cute and funny. If you ever get the chance ask each of my sons the same question. Frankie will give you an elaborate explaination and story. Ollie, on the other hand, will repeat your question back to you because he loves to speak for the sake of the words rolling off of his tounge. Or, he might just say "I don't know."

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