Where does all that money go?
You know how you shave down your expenditures so that you can save some money? Where does all the extra green go?
To something else you now have money for! Jesse and I trimmed down some minor stuff and saved about thirty bucks a month. What happened to that thirty dollars you might ask. It got sucked up into a new phone plan that we had to get when we upgraded our phones.
Thirty bucks, big deal. We can use it because we just saved it right? We never saved it if we just shoved it into something else!
This happens all the time and sometimes on a very large scale. Remember that car that I finally own? The $250 that we were SUPPOSE to be saving is already slipping away. I had to use it on car repairs this month.
I think that I have figured out what I am really doing. I am rearranging my money for other people to have because none of it ever stays with me.
"Money is like water. You can't hold onto it and everybody needs it." Everyone, but me because I am going to sell all of my worldly possessions and buy a farm with animals. Then I'm just going to live off the land, churn my own butter and ride a horse everywhere. Gonna stick it to the MAN! If I don't earn anything you can't take anything. Friends and family plan on contacting me by smoke signals by day and candle light Morris code by night.
Oh Jesse is going to LOVE this.
perfect! haha. oh man it's so true... and the second you start making MORE money, what do you know.. there are more things that NEED to be purchased! ugh..
Very well put. I want a farm too! Maybe we should join the Amish? Nah, just googled it - don't dig the scruffy beards, and I'm sure there are other drawbacks. The only questions is: Where am I ever going to get the money for a farm?
I hear ya. Let's start our own community, and for anything we can't do ourselves, I say bring back the barter system.
I think you'd make it as a farm girl :)