slighty OCD...

On Friday of last week it was confirmed to me that I have obsessive compulsive disorder.  I have had many people come into my house and say..."Wow!  It's so clean."  Their is an average standard of cleanliness that I must keep to remain sane but I didn't know how necessary it truly was until Friday.  My boys and I had a great day.  I taught my water aerobics class in the morning, we went home and got the dog and took off to the park.  The boys played on the play ground next to the dog park with little incident while I watched the dog inside.  We all were having fun and I was feeling so good!  As we were leaving I heard a Dad tell his brood of about 10 kids they were going for ice cream.   What a great idea!  Before you know it I had two happy boys in the back dripping with delight, a tuckered out dog in the front and a cone in my own hand.  We got home and as we walked in my good feeling disappated as I surveyed our out of control living room.  Shoes and bags everywhere, toys on the piano, desk, and counters.  Folded clothes in laundry baskets dampened my spirit as I finished off the night.  As soon as the kids were in bed I popped in a good CD and started cleaning.  There is something so fufilling about cleaning when you know it will stay that way.  It may only be while you are sleeping but you go to bed seeing it and wake up to it.  My kitchen became spotless as I scrubbed the oven, counters, table, and walls.  In the living room I was on clutter detail and stray sock duty.  That alone made a huge difference.  I cleaned off the stairs and got laundry baskets into our room.  Within 45 minutes I was at peace again.  As I looked around at my harmonious rooms I realized that being OCD isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Maybe that is why I like gardening so much.  I am the only one making a mess and I am the only one cleaning it up.  My garden stays in a state of order and beauty continually.   

PS- I HATE it when the play dough colors get mixed together.  I literally have to internally chant "it's no big deal."  

this picture has nothing to do with the post but isn't it cute??

Christine Capella  – (April 17, 2010 at 9:58 PM)  

Rachel, You don't have OCD. There is a very logical reason behind why you like things in order. That said, you may have OCDPD (Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder). I an not diagnosing you. The description is "A pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism,..." I am trying to be funny and reassure you that you are not as crazy as you think you are. I understand that peaceful feeling all to well, because now I am going to claim some of my own.

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