I was driving in my car on the way home from errands today when I had a flashback. I was thinking of when I worked at ColdStone Creamery right next to the Edwards Cinema in San Marcos. You know, back in the year 2000 when it was a fun place. People came in, created something great, and when they gave us a tip we sang.
One Saturday night I was working there with six other people, two of those were mormon. Jeff Burns and Sean Chapman. Cliff Barnum, a member of our church came up to Sean and said,"I'll give you five bucks if you sing "I am A Child of God.""
I am down the line helping another customer when I hear "TIP!" That means we are about to sing. Then I hear Sean start singing this primary song. Jeff and I join in and we sing the whole first verse as the we continue to work. The place was packed and here we were just singing away. We finished the song and two minutes later another lady, one we didn't know, made her way up to the tip jar and put in a dollar "I want to hear that song again," she said. Once again we sang. I loved working at ColdStone.