Classroom Parent
That is what I became when I went to Frankie's school yesterday to help out in his classroom. I was in the office helping a girl and one of the PTA board members asked me if I want to be "classroom parent."
"Sure," I said. She looked at me hesitantly and asked me if I knew what was involved. "You would have to call other parents when we have an event and get volunteers."
"That is fine." I said. Once again the lady looked at me hesitantly. Way to sell it girl. I don't see what the big deal is. I call and talk to people all the time. Well only time will tell on that one.
When I was in Frankie's classroom yesterday I discovered a few things. I realized how grateful I am to be raised the way I was and to be raising Frank in a loving and nuturing home. I also discovered how many kids go to school hungry only to come home hungry too. One little boy in Frank's class needed help. I knelt down to help him and noticed he couldn't/wouldn't write his name. I wrote out his name for him to trace and then did it again with dashes so he could connect the dots. This boy barely let his pencil touch the paper. I wasn't too worried about it until I came around later and I noticed what he had drawn earlier in the week. He had drawn a picture and when asked to discribe it he had the teacher write down: "My Dad... with tape on his mouth."
How sad! I asked him why he had drawn that and he shrugged. "Is it quieter when Dad has tape on his mouth?" I asked.
"Yea,"he whispered looking down at the floor.
Earlier that morning I had taken a girl to the office because her head hurt. She was pale and lethargic but she didn't have a fever so we let her lay down for a bit. When I came back in during reccess she was wolfing down crackers the secretary had given her. I asked her if she felt better and if she was ready to go play. She said yes and we headed out for the playground. Not two minutes later she tapped me on the arm and said she was still hungry.
"Do you have a snack today?" I asked. She shook her head. "I am sorry honey, I don't have anything to give you. You are going to have to wait until lunch time. Did you bring your lunch?" Once again she shook her head. "Well when you buy lunch you will have more to eat then." I told her.
"I don't have money to buy lunch. My mom said I will get lunch after school." School ends at 3:05. It is no wonder this poor angel had a headache!
My heart aches for these little ones. Each one coming from such a different background. It makes me realize how blessed I am.