Depression is never easy

It doesn't matter how it comes on but it sure is hard to shake.  I have been one to struggle with depression for most of my life and every new wave of change seems to shake my foundation and set me unsteady for weeks or months to come.  I do not waver in my faith.  I know the gospel is true.  I know that Jesus Christ lives.  I know that families can be together forever.  I have been lucky enough to have been taught that by my family.  Even luckier to see some of them go on before me and have that reaffirmed to my mind.  That is not what makes my inner soul quake.  It's missing the loved ones lost.  It's loosing faith in myself and, sometimes, it is something completely unexplainable that grabs hold and drags at my subconcious continually.  I can't concentrate.  I become short tempered with my children.  I continually argue with myself about how I'm acting (just think PMS magnified to about 20).  I want to sleep all the time or not sleep at all just to make myself miserable.  I want to eat all the time, you know, all the comfort foods and all the foods that make you feel fat.... wait that is comfort food.  It's in those low moments that I begin to pray with more earnest.  Not kneel down to whine but just talk to my Heavenly Father about what is going on and beg for guidance.  It's in those low moments that I remember to turn to my scriptures and other uplifting material.  It's in those low moments that I make myself jog with the two kids in a stroller and dog in tow instead of walk.  Those moments help me to realize I am the only person who can make myself rise.     

Gaines Family Blog  – (January 1, 2009 at 9:27 PM)  

I think we all have those days to some extent. I will be going along fine, and then something will pop in my head about Jason...and then I'm not fine anymore.

So, when I feel that strong pull to feel bad, or eat that bad food (which I do), or even sleep because there doesn't seem to be anything else to do. I remember (or at least I try)that life is about the little things...and if I am wasting time eating the bad food, sleeping or not paying attention, well, the little things are going to pass me by.

Know that you are loved, and you are right...only you can pick yourself up. But, sometimes you need to lean on someone else before you can stand all the way up by yourself.

Amy Marie  – (January 1, 2009 at 10:05 PM)  

Your last sentence is the story of my life.

thanks. love ya rachel.

Lura  – (January 2, 2009 at 12:52 PM)  

I hope you're feeling happier.

I know what you mean, I'm fairly possitive I've been in the grips of depression for months now. It's getting better! One of the things that has really been depressing me is ending soon (we're moving out of this house!) so I'm seeing a light. I miss you. I wish we could get together and have our kids just run around together.

Take heart, know you are loved. I know it's hard, but try to remember that eventually, at some point, the bad will come to an end and things will take a turn for the better.

Lura  – (January 2, 2009 at 12:53 PM)  

Oh, and I love the picture you have with this post! You really are amazingly talented.

Robert and Bethany  – (January 8, 2009 at 1:42 PM)  

I want to thank you for your comment on my Dog Blog. I decided to check your blog out and came across this post. What a beautiful testimony you have towards living the gospel while struggling with depression. I know that when times are tough with in myself or family unit I know that I will always have the Gospel to rely on. I can truly tell you that I know how you feel. If you have any advise for me, I will take it with appreciation.

Kasey  – (January 8, 2009 at 2:03 PM)  

You are so strong and beautiful inside and out! I truly look up to you and admire your strength! Glad you are back!

Darlene  – (January 8, 2009 at 2:56 PM)  

What a beautiful testimony of how the Atonement can touch, enrich, and heal our lives. Thank you. I am so lucky you are my daughter.

Christine Capella  – (January 11, 2009 at 8:58 PM)  

Has I was reading your posting, the song Bring on the Rain came on and I thought how perfect and true to all of our life's.

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