More Jack...

Sam, the last real pirate, was at another event I did over the weekend so I called Jesse.  He brought the boys down to meet "Jack Sparrow".  My kids were in awe as they approached and Sam was super sweet with them.  He gave them each a business card with his picture on it and took some pictures with them.  When the event was over Sam needed a ride to his next gig.  My truck was full of equipment and the dj, Dennis, that I shared the booth with.  I told him to go ask Jesse for a ride.
"Oh no, that's ok.  I don't want to impose." he said.
"Are you kidding me?  The boys get to ride with Jack Sparrow!  It won't be a problem."  I assured him.  So, the boys got to ride with a pirate in their car and apparently Ollie talked his ear off most of the ride.
Monday morning when Frankie went to school he brought his pirate card with him and to every little kid who walked in the door he said, "I met Jack Sparrow!  He is my friend!  We gave him a ride in our car!"  The kid was so pumped.  Ollie wasn't nearly as dramatic but if you ask him who he met he'll tell you "Jack Spawow." (the day he learns to say his r's will be a sad day indeed)

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