My children must be allergic to sleep!!
Kids go through phases and I understand that. Some don't sleep that well in general. Put a kid who is going through a phase together with a kid who has never been a great sleeper and you get DISASTER!!!
If we get naps our bedtime is almost nine. I put them to bed at eight and spent the next hour of my night walking up and telling them to get back in bed. Then trotting up and firmly telling them to stop climbing into each others beds and go to sleep. Finally, charging up the stairs breathing death threats before I even open the door. Once the door swings open I see the miscreants scamper towards their pillows and tell them if they get out of bed again they will get a time out. Yes, Ollie has oppted for the timeout before. GRRRRR!
If we don't get naps our bedtime is 7:30. I while away an afternoon of over tired griping, fighting, and crying. I beg the clock to march forward as the seconds trudge by. "Is it 7:30 yet?" I ask to anyone who calls. Why, sweet children. Why do you like to torture your mother so?
It's a conspiracy. We are much the same way in our house. I've discovered, though, that if Gareth doesn't get a nap or takes one early in the day, I can put him to bed by 7. I keep Jago up till about 8 or 8:30. Gareth will play quietly and then fall asleep before I put Jago in there, and getting to stay up later is a treat, so Jago behaves very well. Not to mention he has no little brother around to fight with (or instigate rambunceous behavior). Jago then typically falls asleep pretty quickly when he does go to bed. It doesn't always work, but it's the best solution I've come up with yet.
Ok, I'm done hijacking your blog now :).
Seriously, I'm going through this right now too. It sucks big time!
The best thing for us? Well, a few things.
We have a lock on their door that locks from the hallway. That's been a lifesaver. Also, I leave the light on so they have quiet 'reading' time before bed. I've found that this trick wears them out faster than me going in there over the period of several hours and wanting to kill them. To death. haha I think the reading time gives my oldest a sense of control over the situation, and he realizes he's tired, so he zonks out pretty quickly. Good luck, this phase is never a great one!
Oh gosh, I can totally relate with this! I always count the minutes until nap time for Kirsten, and then again until bedtime. I feel bad for doing it, but gosh it's so nice when she's in bed and sleeping! Then Natalie's too young to be on any type of sleep schedule yet, and that baby is a NIGHT owl just like me! I don't know how we're ever going to get her to sleep at a normal hour!!!
Thanks for your comment on my diet blog. :) I'm glad you're having such great success with what you're doing!