Sleep is so precious and illusive. It is always hovering above me. Flitting around like graceful butterflies waiting to be captured. I wish I had a proper net. Once the kids are in bed it feels like there are a million things to do. I do those and by the time I am done and unwinding it's about 11 pm. Why...sniff...why can't I get done earlier??? So here is my attitude tonight. It will all be there in the morning! Time to ice my aching back, vegetate, and go to bed!
I hear ya! Since we moved into our house 2 weeks ago I've been up till midnight almost every night. After all, I can't get any real unpacking done while the boys are awake, and I'm excersizing 3 times a day (yeah, me, can you believe it?) the last one being after they go to bed. So sleep keeps getting shunted back. Soon I'll be organized and unpacked again, then I should be able to be in bed by 10:30 or so :).